Without hesitation, I can recommend both Sharon and Anna. I have enjoyed working with them and am extremely grateful for the knowledge, talent, and enthusiasm that they brought to Columbia’s recent events.
— Christina Batten, Director, Office of Presidential Events and University Ceremonies, Columbia University

Why does it feel like planning and running a special event is its own full-time job?

Simply put, in order to make an event truly special, it often requires the full-time devotion of staff time and talents.  Many organizations and academic institutions—even those with strong fundraising departments—cannot afford to put all their other fundraising efforts on the back burner in order to concentrate on a major event.  Our event planning services will ensure you will be able to host a unique and successful event without sacrificing the other essential projects on your fundraising calendar.

Academic Event Planning › 

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Project HOPE, Annual Gala in New York City

Project HOPE, Annual Gala in New York City

A huge thank you to our event planners #ExpertEvents. We couldn’t make @phillyFEASTIVAL happen without you.
— FEASTIVAL @phillyFEASTIVAL, September 11, 2012